Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Go / no-go

This whole thing is pretty complicated, the career plan thing. The simple question is go on the market this year or don’t. It’s not actually that simple of course, there are a myriad of factors, how my CV looks now, how it may look in one year (or two), how few jobs there may be this year (or next), if I get that grant I’m applying for (or not), and how long I can stretch my current funding situation. I don't want to fall off a funding cliff, but then again I don't want to waste time with apps when I could be working on papers1.

Blargh, it’s all a mess. I thought I had a good idea of a decent strategy. Some conversations with more experienced folk have lead me to believe otherwise. I guess that’s why you have those conversations.

1. Right now my CV I have a lot of things hovering in the cue that will all likley end up as pubs at some journal or other. Some day the CV will shine, but not quite yet.


  1. What's wrong with applying this year and then again next year if necessary?

  2. That was the plan initially. It's a balance between the CV looking better with more time and running out of postdoc funding. I thought that applying this year was worth it. Perhaps selectively, but applying. The folks I have talked to think it will be better long run to focus on work for now and apply 2011 (and 2012 if needed). Applying this year would take too much time away from work.

    I suppose it makes sense. It does raise the issue of my funding running out at some point. Though the department has been pretty good at cobbling together something for folks who need an extra semester or two.
